
Flood Relief: EU Releases €5.4 Million for Affected Communities in Six Countries

The European Union has stepped in to provide crucial aid to the Sahel and Lake Chad regions, which have been devastated by severe floods.

A total of €5.4 million in humanitarian aid has been allocated to support the most affected populations in Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, and Burkina Faso. This funding will help address the urgent needs of over 4.4 million people impacted by the floods, including providing food, shelter, access to clean water and sanitation, and other essential services.

Breakdown of the Funding:

Chad: €1,000,000

Niger: €1,350,000

Nigeria: €1,100,000

Mali: €1,000,000

Cameroon: €650,000

Burkina Faso: €300,000

The floods have led to widespread destruction, including houses, public health facilities, water systems, schools, and sanitation facilities.

The situation is particularly dire in Nigeria’s Northern regions, where conflict, insecurity, and high inflation have already taken a toll on the population. With more rainfall forecasted, approximately 641,600 people are estimated to be displaced, and the risk of waterborne diseases, including cholera, is increasing.

This funding is in addition to the €232 million in humanitarian assistance already allocated to these countries this year. The EU and its partners have also responded to the immediate consequences of floods in Liberia, Guinea, Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, and Mali through adjustments to ongoing actions and contributions to the Disaster Response Emergency Fund.

Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič emphasized the EU’s commitment to helping the most vulnerable populations in the flood-stricken countries.

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