
Nigeria’s Lower House Orders Porn Website Shutdown

Nigeria’s House of Representatives has directed the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to immediately block all pornographic websites nationwide.

The order, issued during a plenary session on Tuesday, requires internet service providers to restrict access to these sites.

The motion was sponsored by Dalhatu Tafoki, representing the Faskari/Kankara/Sabuwa Federal constituency, who argued it was necessary to “protect societal values.”

Mr Tafoki stated that “cyber pornography is fast becoming a global problem, and no concrete steps have been taken to cut its phenomenon in Nigeria.” He emphasised that Nigeria is a “highly religious country” where major religions “forbid nudity and obscenity.”

He also cited psychological and sociological consequences associated with pornographic content, including the “promotion of adultery, prostitution, and other promiscuous behaviours.”

The House adopted the motion, tasking its Committees on Communications and Legislative Compliance to ensure implementation and report back within four weeks.

Speaker Tajudeen Abass warned that sanctions would be imposed on non-compliant internet service providers. The motion was passed by a voice vote.

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