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Nigeria’s Hunger Crisis: WFP Urges Collective Action

Nigeria, despite its vast agricultural potential, is grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis fueled by poverty, conflicts, and climate shocks, leaving 32 million people struggling to feed themselves.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director, Cindy McCain, has sounded the alarm after witnessing firsthand the devastating impact of conflict, climate shocks, and soaring food and fuel prices during her five-day visit.”What I saw in Damasak, Borno State, is deeply disturbing,” McCain said. “Northern Nigeria is facing an urgent humanitarian crisis, with soaring acute malnutrition among children and ongoing conflict displacing millions from their homes and lands.”

The crisis is exacerbated by economic slowdown, high inflation, rising food prices, and recent floods, endangering the lives of children, pregnant women, and entire communities.

Key Statistics:

3.6 million people forcibly displaced by conflict in northeastern and northwestern states.

400,000 people temporarily displaced in and around Maiduguri due to devastating flooding.

9 million children at risk of acute malnutrition.

40% and 70% increase in severe and moderate acute malnutrition cases compared to 2023.

The WFP has assisted 1.6 million people affected by the crisis, distributing 32,000 metric tons of food and $40 million in cash entitlements. However, Director McCain emphasized the need for a response beyond humanitarian interventions.

A Call to Action:

“WFP is committed to delivering lifesaving assistance and tackling the root causes of hunger in Nigeria,” McCain noted. “By mobilizing funding, technology, and partnerships between the private and public sectors, we can support rural livelihoods, strengthen food systems, and empower local communities.”Nigeria, West Africa’s most populous economy, has the potential to stabilize the region and ensure sustainable food security and nutrition for millions. The WFP is working with the Government of Nigeria and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on a groundbreaking food systems program to build resilient, inclusive, and effective food systems.

WFP’s Funding Appeal: The organization needs $228 million to address the food and nutrition needs of 1.6 million people in northeast Nigeria over the next six months.

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