A new generation of children, dubbed Generation Beta, is set to arrive in 2025, marking the end of Generation Alpha, which includes those born between 2010 and 2024. According to Mark McCrindle, who helped define previous generational labels, Generation Beta will comprise those born between 2025 and 2039.
By 2035, Generation Beta is expected to make up 16% of the global population, with many predicted to live into the 22nd century. As this new generation grows, they are anticipated to be extremely technologically integrated, with autonomous transportation, wearable health technologies, and immersive virtual environments becoming standard aspects of daily life.
Generation Beta will face significant challenges, including climate change and evolving social norms. They will also witness rapid advancements in technology, shaping their experiences and worldview. The introduction of Generation Beta marks a new chapter in the cycle of generational labels, which have gained prominence since the mid-20th century with the “Baby Boom” generation.
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