ECOWAS Parliament Pushes for Free Movement and Residence Rights

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament is urging member states to enforce the protocol on free movement of persons and goods, and the right of residence, with sanctions for non-compliance. This resolution aims to eliminate residence permits, replacing them with biometric identity cards to facilitate movement and trade across the region.

Key Recommendations:

  • Eliminate Residence Permits: Replace permits with finger biometrics for citizens to move freely within West Africa.
  • Biometric Identity Cards: Accelerate issuance, ensure uniformity, and accessibility to citizens.
  • Training for Immigration and Customs Officers: Include modules on Community text to facilitate smooth movement.
  • Sanctions for Non-Compliance: Implement clear mechanisms against member states and officials failing to implement community texts.

Dr. Suleiman Abubakar, First Rapporteur of the joint committee, emphasized the need for free movement, citing firsthand experiences of restrictions and levies on goods and people. “We’ve decided to eliminate residence permits; all you need is a finger biometric to become a citizen anywhere in West Africa,” he stated.

ECOWAS’ foundation is built on promoting cooperation and integration among member states, with the Free Movement Protocol being essential for achieving regional integration. However, significant challenges remain, including weaknesses in implementation mechanisms, differences in national interests, and infrastructure problems.

The ECOWAS Parliament is now pushing for stronger governance, mutual trust, and shared responsibility to ensure effective implementation of the protocol. Member states must work together to overcome obstacles and achieve complete freedom of movement

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